Holiday Homes Booking:
- You can directly book one of our holiday homes through our web-site using your credit card as a guarantee.
- Please make sure that your credit card has an expiration date after the dates of your stay and that there is sufficient credit available.
- Extraordinary conditions: Bianco e Blu reserves the right to communicate within 48 hours a possible change, modification or refusal of the reservation, returning any amount paid within 3 days from the date of booking.
Manage your Booking:
- It is possible to cancel without any penalty up to 21 days from your arrival.
- If cancellation occurs between 21 days and 4 days of your arrival, 30% of the amount will be charged.
- If the cancellation occurs within 4 days of your arrival or in case of a "No-Show", 50% of the full amount will be charged.
- For cancellations or changes to bookings made not directly from our site but via third-party websites online, you must contact the relevant website directly.
Payment of deposit and balance:
- A 30% deposit is required.
- The payment of the balance is required on your arrival and can be made in cash (Euros) or with the credit card.
Check in & Check Out:
- Check-in is from 16:00 until 21.00 for the holiday apartments and from 14.00 till 21.00 for the B&B Bianco e Blu.
- A late check-in after 21:00 until 24:00 is possible for an additional charge of € 20.
- It is essential that on arrival your documents (Passport or ID) are avaiable for client registration and collecting the keys.
- Check-out is by 10.00.
- You must notify your scheduled arrival time via Email, or send a message to +39.320.18.21.481 (preferably via "whats'up"). Let us know your arrival time and call 30 minutes before arrival at (+39) 320.18.21.481.